Power Outages
Fire Incidents
NSW SES Advice
Road Conditions
Map (List View)
No Fire Incidents to display
Current Level | -m |
Minor | - |
Moderate | - |
Major | - |
Location: (-31.3698, 152.2453)
Current Level | -m |
Minor | 1.2m |
Moderate | 1.5m |
Major | 1.75m |
Location: (-31.406771028476, 152.90149218263)
Current Level | -m |
Minor | - |
Moderate | - |
Major | - |
Location: (-31.48481369, 152.5302598)
Current Level | -m |
Minor | - |
Moderate | - |
Major | - |
Location: (-31.42861111, 152.6891667)
Current Level | -m |
Minor | - |
Moderate | - |
Major | - |
Location: (-31.6142, 152.6932)
Current Level | -m |
Minor | - |
Moderate | - |
Major | - |
Location: (-31.7251, 152.6403)
Current Level | -m |
Minor | - |
Moderate | - |
Major | - |
Location: (-31.4224, 152.5942)
Current Level | -m |
Minor | 3m |
Moderate | 5.5m |
Major | 7.6m |
Location: (-31.4225, 152.4708)
Current Level | -m |
Minor | - |
Moderate | - |
Major | - |
Location: (-31.637116565064, 152.79608871637)
Current Level | -m |
Minor | - |
Moderate | - |
Major | - |
Location: (-31.273589973369, 152.8572996268)
Current Level | -m |
Minor | 1m |
Moderate | 1.5m |
Major | 1.7m |
Location: (-31.64035842006, 152.8221303366)
Current Level | -m |
Minor | - |
Moderate | - |
Major | - |
Location: (-31.323645941088, 152.80116079888)
Current Level | -m |
Minor | 2.5m |
Moderate | 4.3m |
Major | 5.5m |
Location: (-31.452734331713, 152.73682331123)
Current Level | -m |
Minor | - |
Moderate | - |
Major | - |
Location: (-31.40737880065, 152.82110899641)
Current Level | -m |
Minor | 1.1m |
Moderate | 1.5m |
Major | 1.7m |
Location: (-31.655381952831, 152.79878070354)
Current Level | -m |
Minor | - |
Moderate | - |
Major | - |
Location: (-31.715386310916, 152.74223740268)
Current Level | -m |
Minor | 7m |
Moderate | - |
Major | - |
Location: (-31.614111782723, 152.6933336206)
Current Level | -m |
Minor | - |
Moderate | - |
Major | - |
Location: (-31.547775364215, 152.8542080026)
Current Level | -m |
Minor | - |
Moderate | - |
Major | - |
Location: (-31.331, 152.7415)
Current Level | -m |
Minor | - |
Moderate | - |
Major | - |
Location: (-31.629750004257, 152.76226644648)
Current Level | -m |
Minor | - |
Moderate | - |
Major | - |
Location: (-31.383, 152.3344)
Current Level | -m |
Minor | - |
Moderate | - |
Major | - |
Location: (-31.426825, 152.911125)
Current Level | -m |
Minor | - |
Moderate | - |
Major | - |
Location: (-31.4794, 152.4489)
No Power Outages to display
Category | SCHEDULED ROADWORK, null, Planned |
Advice | Check signage Exercise caution Traffic controllers will be on site to direct motorists. Motorists are advised to allow approximately 5 minutes of additional travel time. |
Schedule | Affected Both directions Weekdays - (6:00am - 6:00pm) Affected Both directions Weekend - (6:00am - 6:00pm) |
Roads | Oxley Highway, Ellenborough |
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Location: (-31.4444005, 152.4427707)
Category | SCHEDULED ROADWORK, null, Planned |
Advice | Check signage Exercise caution Traffic controllers will be on site to direct motorists. Portable traffic lights will allow motorists to pass in one direction at a time. Motorists are advised to allow approximately 10 minutes of additional travel time. The speed limit outside work hours is 40km/h. |
Speed Limit | 40 |
Schedule | Affected Both directions Weekdays - (6:30am - 4:00pm) |
Roads | Oxley Highway, Knodingbul Road, Mount Seaview |
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Location: (-31.409044, 152.14684)
Category | SCHEDULED ROADWORK, null, Planned |
Advice | Allow extra travel time Reduced speed limit Between November 2024 and February 2025, single lane, alternating traffic flow arrangements will be required, and a reduced speed limit of 40km/h will be in place during work hours for the safety of workers and road users. Motorists are advised to allow approximately 5 minutes of additional travel time. OSOM restrictions will be in place for vehicles over 2.5m wide. Please contact the project team on 1800 653 092 prior to arranging travel plans. |
Speed Limit | 40 |
Roads | Oxley Highway, Pooks Lookout Slip, Mount Seaview |
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Location: (-31.4133239, 152.1723766)
Category | SCHEDULED ROADWORK, null, Planned |
Advice | Check signage Exercise caution Traffic controllers will be on site to direct motorists. Motorists are advised to allow approximately 10 minutes of additional travel time. |
Diversions | Motorists travelling north will be detoured via Winery Drive and will take the third exit at the roundabout to access the Pacific Motorway (southbound). Motorists will then take the fourth exit at the Pacific Highway and Oxley Highway interchange to merge back onto the Pacific Motorway (northbound). Motorists travelling south to get onto Hastings River Drive or Winery Drive will need to continue travelling south on the Pacific Motorway and take the Fernbank Creek Road exit. |
Schedule | Closed Both directions Sunday - (6:00pm - 6:00am) Closed Both directions Monday - (6:00pm - 6:00am) Closed Both directions Tuesday - (6:00pm - 6:00am) Closed Both directions Wednesday - (6:00pm - 6:00am) Closed Both directions Thursday - (6:00pm - 6:00am) |
Roads | Hastings River Drive, Glen Ewan Road, Port Macquarie |
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Location: (-31.4092373, 152.8220065)
Category | SCHEDULED ROADWORK, null, Planned |
Advice | Check signage Exercise caution Traffic controllers will be on site to direct motorists. Portable traffic lights will allow motorists to pass in one direction at a time. |
Speed Limit | 40 |
Schedule | Affected Both directions Tuesday - (7:00am - 6:00pm) Affected Both directions Wednesday - (7:00am - 6:00pm) Affected Both directions Thursday - (7:00am - 6:00pm) Affected Both directions Friday - (7:00am - 6:00pm) |
Roads | Oxley Highway, Kindee Road, Long Flat |
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Location: (-31.426434, 152.472401)
Category | SCHEDULED ROADWORK, null, Planned |
Advice | Check signage Exercise caution Traffic controllers will be on site to direct motorists. Portable traffic lights will allow motorists to pass in one direction at a time. Motorists are advised to allow approximately 10 minutes of additional travel time. |
Speed Limit | 40 |
Schedule | Affected Both directions Tuesday - (7:00am - 6:00pm) Affected Both directions Wednesday - (7:00am - 6:00pm) Affected Both directions Thursday - (7:00am - 6:00pm) Affected Both directions Friday - (7:00am - 6:00pm) |
Roads | Oxley Highway, Forbes River Road, Yarras |
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Location: (-31.415142, 152.342294)
Category | CHANGED TRAFFIC CONDITIONS, Load limit, Unplanned |
Advice | Exercise caution Load Limit - Koolah Creek Road Bridge No. 2 has a load limit of 19 tonne in place. |
Roads | Koolah Creek Road, Langley Vale |
Organisation | MidCoast Council 02 7955 7777 council@midcoast.nsw.gov.au http://www.midcoast.nsw.gov.au |
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Location: (-31.7736111, 152.5565919)
Category | SCHEDULED ROADWORK, null, Planned |
Advice | Reduced speed limit Check signage Ocean Drive Duplication project |
Speed Limit | 60 |
Schedule | Affected Both directions Every Day - (7:00am - 5:00pm) |
Roads | Ocean Drive, Port Macquarie Golf Club, Port Macquarie, Greenmeadows Drive (South) |
Organisation | Port Macquarie Hastings Council 02 6581 8111 council@pmhc.nsw.gov.au http://www.pmhc.nsw.gov.au |
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Location: (-31.4649404, 152.8979012)
Category | SCHEDULED ROADWORK, Upgrade, Planned |
Advice | Expect delays Allow extra travel time |
Schedule | Lanes closed Both directions Every Day - (all day - ) |
Roads | Lorne Road, Playfords Road, Lorne, Upsalls Creek Road |
Organisation | Port Macquarie Hastings Council 02 6581 8111 council@pmhc.nsw.gov.au http://www.pmhc.nsw.gov.au |
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Location: (-31.6168742, 152.4919742)
Category | SCHEDULED ROADWORK, null, Planned |
Advice | Check signage Plan your journey NOTIFICATION OF ROAD CLOSURE - Intersection of Lighthouse Road and Davis Crescent to Lighthouse, Port Macquarie - Monday 19th August 2024 - December 2024
What are the works? Construction on the accessible walkways to provide inclusive access for community members and visitors to the Tacking Point Lighthouse. Formalising carparks and coastal walking track entrances.
Location of activity? Works will be carried out surrounding the Lighthouse, walking tracks, and associated carparks. When is the activity scheduled to occur? Works are scheduled to commence on Monday 19th August and anticipated to be completed during December 2024 (subject to wet weather and resources).
Diversions | How will traffic be affected?
How will the community be informed?
Schedule | Closed All directions Every Day - (all day - ) |
Roads | Lighthouse Road, Davis Crescent, Port Macquarie |
Organisation | Port Macquarie Hastings Council 02 6581 8111 council@pmhc.nsw.gov.au http://www.pmhc.nsw.gov.au |
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Location: (-31.472486, 152.935644)
Category | CHANGED TRAFFIC CONDITIONS, Load limit, Unplanned |
Advice | Exercise caution Load Limit - Kippax Road Bridge No. 3 has a load limit of 15 tonne in place. |
Roads | Kippax Road, Bobin |
Organisation | MidCoast Council 02 7955 7777 council@midcoast.nsw.gov.au http://www.midcoast.nsw.gov.au |
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Location: (-31.6588568, 152.3116298)
Category | CHANGED TRAFFIC CONDITIONS, Load limit, Unplanned |
Advice | Exercise caution Load Limit - Kippax Road Bridge No. 2 has a load limit of 15 tonne in place. |
Roads | Kippax Road, Bobin |
Organisation | MidCoast Council 02 7955 7777 council@midcoast.nsw.gov.au http://www.midcoast.nsw.gov.au |
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Location: (-31.6674225, 152.3053971)
Category | CHANGED TRAFFIC CONDITIONS, Load limit, Unplanned |
Advice | Exercise caution Load Limit - Kippax Road Bridge No. 1 has a load limit of 15 tonne in place. |
Roads | Kippax Road, Bobin |
Organisation | MidCoast Council 02 7955 7777 council@midcoast.nsw.gov.au http://www.midcoast.nsw.gov.au |
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Location: (-31.6801516, 152.2901878)
Category | CHANGED TRAFFIC CONDITIONS, Load limit, Unplanned |
Advice | Check signage Plan your journey Load Limit - Millers Road Bridge 15 has a load limit of 15 tonne in place. |
Roads | Millers Road, Bobin |
Organisation | MidCoast Council 02 7955 7777 council@midcoast.nsw.gov.au http://www.midcoast.nsw.gov.au |
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Location: (-31.7087934, 152.2863132)
Category | SCHEDULED ROADWORK, null, Planned |
Advice | Check signage Use an alternative route Matthew Flinders Drive at intersection of Ocean Drive will be closed to traffic at 6pm on Monday 2nd December |
Diversions | No formal detour nominated for the Closure of Matthew Flinders Drive, however, primary access for vehicles will be via Pacific Drive |
Schedule | Closed All directions Every Day - (all day - ) |
Roads | Matthew Flinders Drive, Ocean Drive, Port Macquarie |
Organisation | Port Macquarie Hastings Council 02 6581 8111 council@pmhc.nsw.gov.au http://www.pmhc.nsw.gov.au |
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Location: (-31.4786951, 152.915695)
Category | SCHEDULED ROADWORK, null, Planned |
Advice | Check signage Exercise caution Unsealed Roads – Maintenance Grading Program |
Schedule | Affected Both directions Every Day - (all day - ) |
Roads | Willi Willi Road, Temagog, Temagog, Sherwood |
Organisation | Kempsey Shire Council 02 6566 3200 ksc@kempsey.nsw.gov.au http://www.kempsey.nsw.gov.au |
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Location: (-31.0696123, 152.6990182)
Category | SPECIAL EVENT, null, Planned |
Advice | Allow extra travel time Expect delays NSW Touch State Cup
Schedule | Closed Both directions Friday - (6:00am - 5:30am) Closed Both directions Saturday - (6:00am - 5:30pm) Closed Both directions Sunday - (6:00am - 5:30am) |
Roads | Tuffins Lane, Port Macquarie |
Organisation | Port Macquarie Hastings Council 02 6581 8111 council@pmhc.nsw.gov.au http://www.pmhc.nsw.gov.au |
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Location: (-31.4269014, 152.8717045)
Category | SCHEDULED ROADWORK, null, Planned |
Advice | Check signage Expect delays |
Schedule | Closed Both directions Every Day - (7:00am - 4:00pm) |
Roads | Colling Road, Boorganna |
Organisation | Port Macquarie Hastings Council 02 6581 8111 council@pmhc.nsw.gov.au http://www.pmhc.nsw.gov.au |
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Location: (-31.6196275, 152.3643309)
No Traffic Cameras to display
No Road Closures to display
No Water Outages to display
Data Authorities: Rural Fire Service NSW (RFS) , State Emergency Service NSW (SES) , Manly Hydraulics Laboratory (MHL) , Transport NSW , Jemena , Geoscience Australia , NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) , SharkSmart , Essential Energy
Checked 2 minutes ago
Weather Forecast
Rainfall 0%
Fri, Dec 6
Mostly sunny.
Rainfall 20%
Sat, Dec 7
Shower or two.
Rainfall 70%
Sun, Dec 8
Shower or two.
Rainfall 60%
Mon, Dec 9
Shower or two.
Rainfall 50%
Tue, Dec 10
Shower or two.
Rainfall 60%
Wed, Dec 11
Possible shower.
Rainfall 40%
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Data Authority: Bureau of Meteorology (BOM)
Checked 14 minutes ago
Weather Warnings
05/15:47 EDT Heatwave Warning (NSW)
6 hours ago
Data Authority: Bureau of Meteorology (BOM)
Checked 14 minutes ago