Flood Recovery Information
To find up to date flood recovery information and advice, click here.

Biosecurity is important because it protects our economy, environment and community from pests, diseases, weeds and contaminants.
Under the Biosecurity Act 2015, everyone has a general biosecurity duty – this means anyone who deals with bio-matter is required to prevent, eliminate or minimise any biosecurity risks they encounter.
Being biosecure means that you:
- Take steps to prevent pests, diseases and weeds from entering NSW and spreading to new areas
- Keep an eye out for pests, weeds and signs of disease
- Report anything unusual to NSW DPI
- Have the right licences, registrations and permits
- Participating in the National Livestock Identification System, traceability and market assurance programs
- Checking machinery and materials when they enter and leave your property for unwanted hitchhikers
- Educating visitors on the importance of biosecurity
- Having an emergency disease action plan
- Participate where you can when NSWDPI are responding to incursions and biosecurity emergencies.